Source code for textparser

# A text parser.

import re
from collections import namedtuple
from operator import itemgetter

__author__ = 'Erik Moqvist'
__version__ = '0.21.1'

class _Mismatch(object):

MISMATCH = _Mismatch()
"""Returned by :func:`~textparser.Pattern.match()` on mismatch.


class _String(object):
    """Matches a specific token kind.


    def __init__(self, kind):
        self.kind = kind

    def match(self, tokens):
        if self.kind == tokens.peek().kind:
            return tokens.get_value()
            return MISMATCH

class _Tokens(object):

    def __init__(self, tokens):
        self._tokens = tokens
        self._pos = 0
        self._max_pos = -1
        self._stack = []

    def get_value(self):
        pos = self._pos
        self._pos += 1

        return self._tokens[pos]

    def peek(self):
        return self._tokens[self._pos]

    def peek_max(self):
        pos = self._pos

        if self._max_pos > pos:
            pos = self._max_pos

        if pos >= len(self._tokens):
            return self._tokens[-1]
            return self._tokens[pos]

    def save(self):

    def restore(self):
        self._pos = self._stack.pop()

    def update(self):
        self._stack[-1] = self._pos

    def mark_max_restore(self):
        if self._pos > self._max_pos:
            self._max_pos = self._pos

        self._pos = self._stack.pop()

    def mark_max_load(self):
        if self._pos > self._max_pos:
            self._max_pos = self._pos

        self._pos = self._stack[-1]

    def drop(self):

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self._tokens[self._pos:self._pos + 2])

class _StringTokens(_Tokens):

    def get_value(self):
        pos = self._pos
        self._pos += 1

        return self._tokens[pos].value

def _wrap_string(item):
    if isinstance(item, str):
        item = _String(item)

    return item

def _wrap_strings(items):
    return [_wrap_string(item) for item in items]

def _format_invalid_syntax(text, offset):
    return 'Invalid syntax at line {}, column {}: "{}"'.format(
        line(text, offset),
        column(text, offset),
        markup_line(text, offset))

[docs]class Error(Exception): """General textparser exception. """ pass
[docs]class TokenizeError(Error): """This exception is raised when the text cannot be converted into tokens. """ def __init__(self, text, offset): self._text = text self._offset = offset message = _format_invalid_syntax(text, offset) super(TokenizeError, self).__init__(message) @property def text(self): """The input text to the tokenizer. """ return self._text @property def offset(self): """Offset into the text where the tokenizer failed. """ return self._offset
[docs]class GrammarError(Error): """This exception is raised when the tokens cannot be converted into a parse tree. """ def __init__(self, offset): self._offset = offset message = 'Invalid syntax at offset {}.'.format(offset) super(GrammarError, self).__init__(message) @property def offset(self): """Offset into the text where the parser failed. """ return self._offset
[docs]class ParseError(Error): """This exception is raised when the parser fails to parse the text. """ def __init__(self, text, offset): self._text = text self._offset = offset self._line = line(text, offset) self._column = column(text, offset) message = _format_invalid_syntax(text, offset) super(ParseError, self).__init__(message) @property def text(self): """The input text to the parser. """ return self._text @property def offset(self): """Offset into the text where the parser failed. """ return self._offset @property def line(self): """Line where the parser failed. """ return self._line @property def column(self): """Column where the parser failed. """ return self._column
Token = namedtuple('Token', ['kind', 'value', 'offset'])
[docs]class Pattern(object): """Base class of all patterns. """
[docs] def match(self, tokens): """Returns :data:`~textparser.MISMATCH` on mismatch, and anything else on match. """ raise NotImplementedError('To be implemented by subclasses.')
[docs]class Sequence(Pattern): """Matches a sequence of patterns. Becomes a list in the parse tree. """ def __init__(self, *patterns): self.patterns = _wrap_strings(patterns) def match(self, tokens): matched = [] for pattern in self.patterns: mo = pattern.match(tokens) if mo is MISMATCH: return MISMATCH matched.append(mo) return matched
[docs]class Choice(Pattern): """Matches any of given ordered patterns `patterns`. The first pattern in the list has highest priority, and the last lowest. """ def __init__(self, *patterns): self._patterns = _wrap_strings(patterns) def match(self, tokens): for pattern in self._patterns: tokens.mark_max_load() mo = pattern.match(tokens) if mo is not MISMATCH: tokens.drop() return mo tokens.restore() return MISMATCH
[docs]class ChoiceDict(Pattern): """Matches any of given patterns. The first token kind of all patterns must be unique, otherwise and :class:`~textparser.Error` exception is raised. This class is faster than :class:`~textparser.Choice`, and should be used if the grammar allows it. """ def __init__(self, *patterns): self._patterns_map = {} patterns = _wrap_strings(patterns) for pattern in patterns: self._check_pattern(pattern, pattern) @property def patterns_map(self): return self._patterns_map def _check_pattern(self, inner, outer): if isinstance(inner, _String): self._add_pattern(inner.kind, outer) elif isinstance(inner, Sequence): self._check_pattern(inner.patterns[0], outer) elif isinstance(inner, (Tag, Forward)): self._check_pattern(inner.pattern, outer) elif isinstance(inner, ChoiceDict): for pattern in inner.patterns_map.values(): self._check_pattern(pattern, outer) else: raise Error( 'Unsupported pattern type {}.'.format(type(inner))) def _add_pattern(self, kind, pattern): if kind in self._patterns_map: raise Error( "First token kind must be unique, but {} isn't.".format( kind)) self._patterns_map[kind] = pattern def match(self, tokens): kind = tokens.peek().kind if kind in self._patterns_map: return self._patterns_map[kind].match(tokens) else: return MISMATCH
[docs]class Repeated(Pattern): """Matches `pattern` at least `minimum` times. Any match becomes a list in the parse tree. """ def __init__(self, pattern, minimum=0): self._pattern = _wrap_string(pattern) self._minimum = minimum def match(self, tokens): matched = [] while True: mo = self._pattern.match(tokens) if mo is MISMATCH: tokens.mark_max_restore() break matched.append(mo) tokens.update() if len(matched) >= self._minimum: return matched else: return MISMATCH
[docs]class RepeatedDict(Repeated): """Same as :class:`~textparser.Repeated`, but becomes a dictionary instead of a list in the parse tree. `key` is a function taking the match as input and returning the dictionary key. By default the first element in the match is used as key. """ def __init__(self, pattern, minimum=0, key=None): super(RepeatedDict, self).__init__(pattern, minimum) if key is None: key = itemgetter(0) self._key = key def match(self, tokens): matched = {} while True: mo = self._pattern.match(tokens) if mo is MISMATCH: tokens.mark_max_restore() break key = self._key(mo) try: matched[key].append(mo) except KeyError: matched[key] = [mo] tokens.update() if len(matched) >= self._minimum: return matched else: return MISMATCH
[docs]class ZeroOrMore(Repeated): """Matches `pattern` zero or more times. See :class:`~textparser.Repeated` for more details. """ def __init__(self, pattern): super(ZeroOrMore, self).__init__(pattern, 0)
[docs]class ZeroOrMoreDict(RepeatedDict): """Matches `pattern` zero or more times. See :class:`~textparser.RepeatedDict` for more details. """ def __init__(self, pattern, key=None): super(ZeroOrMoreDict, self).__init__(pattern, 0, key)
[docs]class OneOrMore(Repeated): """Matches `pattern` one or more times. See :class:`~textparser.Repeated` for more details. """ def __init__(self, pattern): super(OneOrMore, self).__init__(pattern, 1)
[docs]class OneOrMoreDict(RepeatedDict): """Matches `pattern` one or more times. See :class:`~textparser.RepeatedDict` for more details. """ def __init__(self, pattern, key=None): super(OneOrMoreDict, self).__init__(pattern, 1, key)
[docs]class DelimitedList(Pattern): """Matches a delimented list of `pattern` separated by `delim`. `pattern` must be matched at least once. Any match becomes a list in the parse tree, excluding the delimitors. """ def __init__(self, pattern, delim=','): self._pattern = _wrap_string(pattern) self._delim = _wrap_string(delim) def match(self, tokens): # First pattern. mo = self._pattern.match(tokens) if mo is MISMATCH: return MISMATCH matched = [mo] while True: # Discard the delimiter. mo = self._delim.match(tokens) if mo is MISMATCH: break # Pattern. mo = self._pattern.match(tokens) if mo is MISMATCH: break matched.append(mo) tokens.update() tokens.restore() return matched
[docs]class Optional(Pattern): """Matches `pattern` zero or one times. Becomes a list in the parse tree, empty on mismatch. """ def __init__(self, pattern): self._pattern = _wrap_string(pattern) def match(self, tokens): mo = self._pattern.match(tokens) if mo is MISMATCH: tokens.mark_max_restore() return [] else: tokens.drop() return [mo]
[docs]class Any(Pattern): """Matches any token. """ def match(self, tokens): return tokens.get_value()
[docs]class AnyUntil(Pattern): """Matches any token until given pattern is found. Becomes a list in the parse tree, not including the given pattern match. """ def __init__(self, pattern): self._pattern = _wrap_string(pattern) def match(self, tokens): matched = [] while True: mo = self._pattern.match(tokens) if mo is not MISMATCH: break tokens.restore() matched.append(tokens.get_value()) tokens.restore() return matched
[docs]class And(Pattern): """Matches `pattern`, without consuming any tokens. Any match becomes an empty list in the parse tree. """ def __init__(self, pattern): self._pattern = _wrap_string(pattern) def match(self, tokens): mo = self._pattern.match(tokens) tokens.restore() if mo is MISMATCH: return MISMATCH else: return []
[docs]class Not(Pattern): """Matches if `pattern` does not match. Any match becomes an empty list in the parse tree. Just like :class:`~textparser.And`, no tokens are consumed. """ def __init__(self, pattern): self._pattern = _wrap_string(pattern) def match(self, tokens): mo = self._pattern.match(tokens) tokens.restore() if mo is MISMATCH: return [] else: return MISMATCH
[docs]class NoMatch(Pattern): """Never matches anything. """ def match(self, tokens): return MISMATCH
[docs]class Tag(Pattern): """Tags any matched `pattern` with name `name`. Becomes a two-tuple of `name` and match in the parse tree. """ def __init__(self, name, pattern): self._name = name self._pattern = _wrap_string(pattern) @property def pattern(self): return self._pattern def match(self, tokens): mo = self._pattern.match(tokens) if mo is not MISMATCH: return (self._name, mo) else: return MISMATCH
[docs]class Forward(Pattern): """Forward declaration of a pattern. .. code-block:: python >>> foo = Forward() >>> foo <<= Sequence('NUMBER') """ def __init__(self): self._pattern = None @property def pattern(self): return self._pattern def __ilshift__(self, other): self._pattern = _wrap_string(other) return self def match(self, tokens): return self._pattern.match(tokens)
class Grammar(object): """Creates a tree of given tokens using the grammar `grammar`. """ def __init__(self, grammar): if isinstance(grammar, str): grammar = _wrap_string(grammar) self._root = grammar def parse(self, tokens, token_tree=False): if token_tree: tokens = _Tokens(tokens) else: tokens = _StringTokens(tokens) parsed = self._root.match(tokens) if parsed is not MISMATCH and tokens.peek_max().kind == '__EOF__': return parsed else: raise GrammarError(tokens.peek_max().offset)
[docs]def choice(*patterns): """Returns an instance of the fastest choice class for given patterns `patterns`. It is recommended to use this function instead of instantiate :class:`~textparser.Choice` or :class:`~textparser.ChoiceDict` directly. """ try: return ChoiceDict(*patterns) except Error: return Choice(*patterns)
[docs]def markup_line(text, offset, marker='>>!<<'): """Insert `marker` at `offset` into `text`, and return the marked line. .. code-block:: python >>> markup_line('0\\n1234\\n56', 3) 1>>!<<234 """ begin = text.rfind('\n', 0, offset) begin += 1 end = text.find('\n', offset) if end == -1: end = len(text) return text[begin:offset] + marker + text[offset:end]
def line(text, offset): return text[:offset].count('\n') + 1 def column(text, offset): line_start = text.rfind('\n', 0, offset) return offset - line_start
[docs]def tokenize_init(spec): """Initialize a tokenizer. Should only be called by the :func:`~textparser.Parser.tokenize` method in the parser. """ tokens = [Token('__SOF__', '__SOF__', 0)] re_token = '|'.join([ '(?P<{}>{})'.format(name, regex) for name, regex in spec ]) return tokens, re_token
[docs]class Parser(object): """The abstract base class of all text parsers. .. code-block:: python >>> from textparser import Parser, Sequence >>> class MyParser(Parser): ... def token_specs(self): ... return [ ... ('SKIP', r'[ \\r\\n\\t]+'), ... ('WORD', r'\\w+'), ... ('EMARK', '!', r'!'), ... ('COMMA', ',', r','), ... ('MISMATCH', r'.') ... ] ... def grammar(self): ... return Sequence('WORD', ',', 'WORD', '!') """ def _unpack_token_specs(self): names = {} specs = [] for spec in self.token_specs(): if len(spec) == 2: specs.append(spec) else: specs.append((spec[0], spec[2])) names[spec[0]] = spec[1] return names, specs
[docs] def keywords(self): """A set of keywords in the text. .. code-block:: python def keywords(self): return set(['if', 'else']) """ return set()
[docs] def token_specs(self): """The token specifications with token name, regular expression, and optionally a user friendly name. Two token specification forms are available; ``(kind, re)`` or ``(kind, name, re)``. If the second form is used, the grammar should use `name` instead of `kind`. See :class:`~textparser.Parser` for an example usage. """ return [ ('SKIP', r'[ \r\n\t]+'), ('NUMBER', r'-?\d+(\.\d+)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?'), ('WORD', r'[A-Za-z0-9_]+'), ('ESCAPED_STRING', r'"(\\"|[^"])*?"'), ('MISMATCH', r'.') ]
[docs] def tokenize(self, text): """Tokenize given string `text`, and return a list of tokens. Raises :class:`~textparser.TokenizeError` on failure. This method should only be called by :func:`~textparser.Parser.parse()`, but may very well be overridden if the default implementation does not match the parser needs. """ names, specs = self._unpack_token_specs() keywords = self.keywords() tokens, re_token = tokenize_init(specs) for mo in re.finditer(re_token, text, re.DOTALL): kind = mo.lastgroup if kind == 'SKIP': pass elif kind != 'MISMATCH': value = if value in keywords: kind = value if kind in names: kind = names[kind] tokens.append(Token(kind, value, mo.start())) else: raise TokenizeError(text, mo.start()) return tokens
[docs] def grammar(self): """The text grammar is used to create a parse tree out of a list of tokens. See :class:`~textparser.Parser` for an example usage. """ raise NotImplementedError('No grammar defined.')
[docs] def parse(self, text, token_tree=False, match_sof=False): """Parse given string `text` and return the parse tree. Raises :class:`~textparser.ParseError` on failure. Returns a parse tree of tokens if `token_tree` is ``True``. .. code-block:: python >>> MyParser().parse('Hello, World!') ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!'] >>> tree = MyParser().parse('Hello, World!', token_tree=True) >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(tree) [Token(kind='WORD', value='Hello', offset=0), Token(kind=',', value=',', offset=5), Token(kind='WORD', value='World', offset=7), Token(kind='!', value='!', offset=12)] """ try: tokens = self.tokenize(text) if len(tokens) == 0 or tokens[-1].kind != '__EOF__': tokens.append(Token('__EOF__', '__EOF__', len(text))) if not match_sof: if len(tokens) > 0 and tokens[0].kind == '__SOF__': del tokens[0] return Grammar(self.grammar()).parse(tokens, token_tree) except (TokenizeError, GrammarError) as e: raise ParseError(text, e.offset)